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Oil Club Users Take Note

Some of the Oil Club users have out of date email addresses or have marked oil club emails as spam, according to the email service.  I suspect some of these are people who have moved.  I have disabled oil user and contact form for these users so that no more emails are sent.  Repeatedly sending emails that bounce or to addresses that have labeled them as spam is bad for the site reputation.

Check your spam filters

Can I ask everyone to check their spam filters aren't blocking this site.  There was an email sent Sun, 30 Oct 2016 12:32:32 "Anyone need oil?".  All oil users should have got this email so if you didn't and I've had a suspicious lack of replies, please check your spam box and white list this site.


Fibre as cheap as copper

I have just taken out a new 12 month broadband and phone contract.  As seems usual these days, loyalty is not rewarded and you need move every 12 months to get the best deal (or at least threaten to move :-/ ).  In the process I found out that for fibre Sutton Benger is unbundled which means cheaper prices.  For copper Sutton Benger is not unbundled which means Open Reach (what used to be BT) only, no real competition.  The end result was that I could get a 12 month contract from sky for fibre for the same price as ADSL 2 from Plusnet.  I found ADSL 2 enough for my needs and was going to st

ADSL2 anyone?

Fibre, or strictly FTTC, fibre to green BT cabinet then copper to home, is now available in Sutton Benger.  You can put your post code or phone number in the BT post code checker to see what's available together with a speed estimate.  Of course fibre costs more than ADSL1 (aka ADSL max) which was all that used to be available here.  But ADSL 2+ is the same cost and, if you ask, this should be a free change (it was for me on Plusnet).  Quite why they don't automatically upgrade everyone I don't know.  You'll

Ceiling Lights (pair)

A pair of pale green glass shade and brass finish ceiling lights. Plus spare shade. From non-smoking house. Very good condition £45.00, 01249 720161.


by Dr. Radut.