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Fibre as cheap as copper

I have just taken out a new 12 month broadband and phone contract.  As seems usual these days, loyalty is not rewarded and you need move every 12 months to get the best deal (or at least threaten to move :-/ ).  In the process I found out that for fibre Sutton Benger is unbundled which means cheaper prices.  For copper Sutton Benger is not unbundled which means Open Reach (what used to be BT) only, no real competition.  The end result was that I could get a 12 month contract from sky for fibre for the same price as ADSL 2 from Plusnet.  I found ADSL 2 enough for my needs and was going to stick with that thinking why pay more for fibre, except the reality is fibre is the same price or even in fact a few pence cheaper than the best price Plusnet could offer me.

by Dr. Radut.