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New Site Launched

24 November 2011

Today the new and updated SuttonBenger.org.uk website is launched.

The website is for the benefit of Sutton Benger and surrounds residents and membership is restricted to those living in this area.  As with the site it replaces the majority of content is provided by users.  Hence prospective content providers, e.g. village hall, local groups, local businesses, etc. should use the form to make contact with site admin after first registering for basic membership.

Basic members can post in the For Sale, Wanted and Free-Cycle forums, and post picture galleries.

Group mangers can additional create content pages, events, and news items for their group and also have control of their sub menu.  They also have a entry in the rotating banner at the page top. 

Business managers will have a single page and a entry in the banner and can also create events.  A small fee to support this site will charged to business users.

Latest news items and events will be displayed on the home page.




by Dr. Radut.